November Joy…
Well, it’s here. One of the greatest times of the year. Especially…this year. November is so special. Football season is awesome. The Election will determine the future of our country, our state and our local communities. The food tastes a little better around Thanksgiving and the holidays are right around the corner in December.
But wait…this is 2020. We all know what this year has been. For all I know, they might cancel Christmas and Chanukah. For all I know, they might not even play the Carolina-Clemson game this year. Oh wait….that’s already been cancelled.
The leaves are beautiful…the temperatures are wonderful. So here’s what I’m hoping for as we wind down this year that has been so stressful on so many.
I want people to be kind to one another.
I want people to stop posting stupid on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram.
I want people to put the politics aside and give The President-elect a chance in 2021.
I want people to socially distant—wear masks—wash hands etc….but, I don’t want you to forget the people who need you. That neighbor who lives alone. That elderly person up the street who lost his wife earlier this year. That family where the husband lost his job during Covid and hasn’t gotten a new one.
Have a great November. We all deserve it.