Kevs Corner

The first 100 days…

February 15, 2021 | 0 Comments

       Well, it doesn’t take a genius for what I said when President Joe Biden took over to come true… If it goes well, the media will fawn.  When it doesn’t go well, our President and of course, the media will blame the […]

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So, the vaccine is here…

December 14, 2020 | 0 Comments

It was supposed to take 5 years.  It didn’t.  President Donald J. Trump promised Operation Warp-Speed would arrive before the end of 2020 and he was right. His opponents, President-Elect Joe Biden and VP Elect Kamala Harris called him a liar and blamed thousands of […]

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November Joy…

October 23, 2020 | 0 Comments

Well, it’s here.  One of the greatest times of the year.  Especially…this year.  November is so special.  Football season is awesome.  The Election will determine the future of our country, our state and our local communities.  The food tastes a little better around Thanksgiving and […]

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A virus…some protests and yep, an election year…

July 16, 2020 | 0 Comments

    So, 2020 has been one for the ages. We’ve had the Coronavirus. We’ve had peaceful protests and even riots on our own streets in Columbia, South Carolina. We’ve had dust-storms and lost Kobe. It’s been a challenging year thus far. We’re also looking […]

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Some honesty on both sides would be phenomenal…

May 12, 2020 | 0 Comments

       Let’s start with some transparency.  Wow, that’s a novel concept these days huh?  I want to get the economy going.  Know why?  I am a small businessman myself.  I have this radio station and I need advertisers.  I’ve lost several during the […]

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How’d we get here?

March 18, 2020 | 0 Comments

      Think about this….less than two months ago, the big debate was about impeachment.  The economy was hitting some historically good numbers.  People wondered who would win in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.  Today?  The world is spinning a little bit off […]

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Springtime in The Midlands

March 2, 2020 | 0 Comments

The Democratic Party’s primary is over and so are all the ads and signage.  Doubt you’ll see any of them back here for the next four years.  Now, South Carolina goes back to waiting until November to vote for either President Trump or his opponent.  […]

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Hey Democrats!

January 25, 2020 | 0 Comments

We’re really happy to have you in The Palmetto State.  At our radio station, we have a saying— “Everyone is welcome at the table.”  We’ve had several of the Democratic candidates on The Afternoon Drive.  We take great pride in giving everyone a voice in […]

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It’s the most wonderful time….of the year!

November 20, 2019 | 0 Comments

       No, I’m not signing holiday songs right now.  I’m thinking politics.  I love this time of the year for South Carolina.  I love having two-dozen Democratic Presidential hopefuls passing through the Palmetto State spreading their message for the 2020 campaign.  See, doesn’t […]

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Kev’s Musings….the crystal ball predictions!

August 29, 2019 | 0 Comments

The leaves change colors….the kids go trick-or-treating….and of course, Carolina and Clemson football season.  I love this time of year.  Some cooler temperatures….tailgating and the start of the 2020 Presidential Primary Season arrives.  I love this time of the year. So, let’s make some predictions—these […]

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